Garibaldi square
its name often changed. She first took the one in place PAIROLIERA, since it was located at the end of rue Pairoliera and the door of the same name. It then bore the name of King Victor Amedé III. During the revolution it was named Place de la REPUBLIQUE, later Place NAPOLEON.
In 1814 it took again the name of place VICTOR, during the restoration.
Following the annexation of the COUNT of NICE to FRANCE it was called place NAPOLEON.
Finally in 1870 it acquired its current name of place GARIBALDI to honor, during his lifetime, Giuseppe GARIBALDI born in NICE in 1807 of a family of Genoese origin.
GARIBALDI's birthplace was on the PAPACINO quay near the customs house,
but was destroyed during the expansion of the port.
The Architect Antonio SPINELLI designed this square built from 1780 to 1783 according to the style of the TURIN squares and
by CONI.
Facing the entrance to the Square, coming from the Rue de la République, one can notice, opposite, the facade of the Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher which has housed, since its construction, in 1783, the Archconfraternity of the Blue Penitents.